This next meeting in Cambridge will be the fifth of a series of meetings devoted to the science of this extensively used special cement dealing with a broad range of topics including the; manufacture, mineralogy, hydration, microstructure, fresh properties, admixtures, durability, blended systems and uses and contributions related to recent developments, emerging technologies and environmental impact are particularly welcome.
This conference deals with calcium aluminates, calcium aluminate cements and their hydrates and blended systems made with them.
There frequent conferences dealing with different aspects of cementitious materials so it is therefore useful to define the focus of the conference as dealing with calcium aluminates and analogous systems only. Papers dealing with other Cement types, such as CSA’s and Portland Cements, will be considered for the conference as long as they are in the context of ingredients in blended systems or papers that are making direct comparison with other cement types.
Papers will be evaluated on their originality, technical and scientific merit and will be subject to peer review prior to publication.